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What Is a vCIO?

Your virtual chief information officer stands to become the most valuable IT asset in your organization. This is a technology expert dedicated to building and continuously developing your technology strategy. Your vCIO provides analysis, planning, and implementation strategies for the entire organization.

By coordinating IT resources, vetting vendors, auditing communications, and overseeing your IT as a whole, they provide a nexus of benefits that save time and money while improving resilience, security, and profitability.

Saving Time

Your vCIO searches for ways to save time in workflows throughout your organization. Through improved technology and enhanced technological management, you can streamline activities and cut labor investments across the board.

Proven time-saving strategies:

Saving Money

Expert planning and a robust strategy save money in all areas related to IT. From targeted technology spending to improved efficiency in IT implementation, you can enjoy financial benefits at every turn.

Time-saving practices:

Improving Resilience

Security breaches and external disasters can bring technology — and businesses — to a screeching halt. When your vCIO helps you improve resilience, they help you avoid and remediate devastating downtime.

Resilience areas of focus:

Fortifying Security

As a practicing security expert, your vCIO provides leading-edge knowledge and techniques that enhance your security practices. It’s their job to stay up to speed with the latest trends and vet strategies that demonstrate consistent success.

Security techniques:

Expanding Profitability

Saving time and money already improves profitability, but your vCIO offers even more. By analyzing and maximizing KPIs, they create adaptive strategies that boost profitability in a number of ways. They can target efficiency, efficacy, and even turnover through technology management.

Opportunities for more profitability

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Getting the Most
From Your vCIO

When you pair with a vCIO to reimagine what technology can do for your company, it works in four steps. First, meet with your vCIO to establish communication, express goals, and discuss broad plans.

Your vCIO then maps a long-term technology strategy, highlighting investments and changes that target your desired goals.

Follow the plan to implement the strategy and begin reaping the benefits.

Finally, re-analyze and adjust the strategy as needed.
Get started with your vCIO today.