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What Is ProSuite™?
At MainSpring, we offer ProSuite™. This is a unique, customized approach to IT management. It includes a full suite of managed IT services, including direct access to a senior-level IT partner.
We call it the Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO), and this person is your greatest IT resource. The vCIO comes with a full support staff, meaning you get your own personalized, dedicated IT team that can provide every service you need.
ProSuite™ elevates managed IT. We can take full ownership of all of your IT, or we can integrate with existing in-house resources. Either way, we’ll review everything, provide enhanced, detailed strategies, and ensure that your IT support performs at the highest level that it can.
Customized IT Strategy
Your vCIO serves as the focal point in customizing an IT strategy for your organization. This is a comprehensive strategy. We’ll cover infrastructure, equipment purchasing, software licensing, vendors, help desk support, and anything else you need.
We’ll lay it all out on a timeline that is easy to see and easy to adjust.
Most importantly, we’ll execute the strategy for you, taking care of your IT needs from start to finish.
Scorecard and IT Roadmap
Your customized IT strategy is built from a scorecard and roadmap.
Your vCIO creates a scorecard by performing a comprehensive analysis of your current state of business. This covers everything from ticketing to infracture to processes. Your vCIO will score each element of IT, and with that scorecard, they can create a triage list to inform the custom strategy.
From there, you get your roadmap. This shows each step designed to boost your scores across the board, showing exactly how to improve IT functions and what you stand to gain for your efforts.
Lastly, the vCIO will continue to review your IT systems, demonstrating improvements in your scorecard and updating the roadmap to constantly improve IT in your organization.
Unlimited Local Help Desk
Strategies and planning are great, but sometimes, you need specific help with a specific problem. That’s the purpose of the help desk, and without reliable support in this manner, you can run into workflow disruptions and problems that simply don’t need to be there.
ProSuite™ comes with unlimited help desk support, and it’s local. That means you have experts dedicated to your organization so they can help you on demand with any technical issues that arise.
Empowered IT
ProSuite™ is designed to provide robust IT solutions. It’s more than just the strategy, vCIO, or even the help desk. It’s everything rolled into a simple, powerful package.
We empower your IT options with a proactive approach. We can anticipate problems and head them off before they manifest. That helps us stay ahead of higher spending to keep costs down, and it helps us generate benefits throughout your time with ProSuite™.
We match proactivity with security. Security is fundamental in IT, and security lapses usually represent the most expensive, disruptive, and damaging issues that stem from IT. We’re here to protect you from that.
At the same time, IT should improve productivity. Technology serves your business, not the other way around. Empowered IT fills that role.