IT Security

When known threats (cyber criminals) or unknown threats (acts of God) compromise your organization, how long can systems be offline without negatively impacting your organization?

Better yet, what’s the financial and opportunity cost of an outage? A proactive IT model ensures business continuity through proven processes and procedures. In today’s climate, organizations must be assured, through testing and verifying, that they can stand up systems within the appropriate time frames in the event of a catastrophic outage.

Security goes beyond the type of firewall and software protecting the network, or the training provided to users. Knowing the security exposure of an organization requires a dedication to continuous compliance. Not just networking monitoring – but an ongoing assessment of the organization’s people, processes, and technologies. Assessing risk compared to best practices, evaluating the propensity of that risk to occur and the severity of the outcomes all requires a focus and attention to the organization.

IT Risk & exposure

Bitcoin, a well-known currency used by hackers, has recently become more valuable than gold. This only means that there are going to be more attacks on information, systems, and users. Cybercriminals aren’t the only threat to data; human error remains a primary contributor. By putting processes and procedures in place, a proactive IT firm can help organizations adapt to new threats and vigilantly train end-users on the use of their systems, which further protects the organization.

Improvements such as your staff’s awareness and understanding of the latest phishing scams, to network use policies, and locks on server room doors can greatly mitigate risks to your organization’s technology.

A proactive IT firm will analyze your infrastructure, processes, and procedures, and produce baselines and goals to improve your risk score, and map a way forward to improve your security posture.

Don’t delay on your IT security and business continuity! See how the ProSuite solution can help by scheduling your consultation today!

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